Monday, April 15, 2013

Visual Programming

Visual Programming

Session 13-02-2011 5:00 PM (Final Term)
Toal Time 120 Minutes 
Total  52 Qestion, 40 MCQ remaining of 2, 3 and two Questions of 5 marks
Other than MCQ following were:

what is socket and name its differnt operations?                           5 Marks
windows menu and Shortcut menu?                                               5 Marks
Diffrentiate between desktop window and applicatoin window?     3 Marks
what is htttp, what is pager and list view?                                     3 Marks
Define window menu                                                                      3 marks
what is property sheet                                                                   3 Marks
Dos and windows                                                                           2 Marks
Types of Brush                                                                              2 Marks

Define rebar                                                                                 2 Marks
deleteObject(hBrush) what will it do?                                          2 Marks

Session 14-02-2011 7:30 AM (Final Term)
What are the System and non system keystrokes?                                             5 Marks
what are the basic Sockets Operations?                                                            5 Marks
What are the tree parts of internet address                                                      5 Marks
what happen if stack overflow message appear,which part will to deal to it?    5 Marks

why do we use #deine directives?                                                                     3 Marks
write 2 advanatage of threads?                                                                         2 Marks
what are the two types of Implicit type casting ? 

what is difference between windows procedure and dialogue procedure? 5 marks
what is modal and modal less dialogue? 3
what is spread sheet
what is function of hot key
mcqs were moslty from previous papers
what is a process???
what is Semaphore Object???
difference between short cut menu and main menu???

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