Monday, April 15, 2013

HRM Final Papers

HRM Final Papers

There were Total 69 Questions.
MCQs 62
Long Qs 7

Q1: Why a cricket team is said to be a 'Team' not a "Group"? (5)

Q2: What factors explain the decline in unionization for the last half century? Do you think the unions in organizations should completely die or they should continue? (5)

Q3: How many levels of training are recommended for managers for preparing an international assignment? Describe each level. (5)

Q4: Explain the expectancy theory. Also identify its three elements and the formula derived by the scientist in this theory. (5)

Q5: What options do multinational firms have while staffing for positions in foreign subsidiaries?(3)

Q6: Mention any three reasons that are unacceptable for management and result in immediate termination of the concerned employee. (3)

Q7: What is Adam’s Equity Theory? What are the factors in which this equity lies?(3)

Q: Developed contrast between “Administration” and “Management”? (3)
Q: Grapevine is the non verbal mean of communication in organizations that is becoming more popular. How manager can use this for tool? (3)
Q: Draw the diagram of “Communication Process”. (5)
Q: Define the management process tool “Organizing”. How it completed, describes in simple words? (5)
Q: Why modern management criticized on Fredrick Taylor Theory? (5)

discipline action against misbehave of a girl staff . 5 marks
should employee are practiced of functional as well as line authority at same time? 5 marks
are HR Functions are interealted to each other? 5 marks
why incentive- plans are faild? 5 marks
negotiation for salary and benifits 3 marks
3 reason faliur of International assignement and thier remedy 3 marks
Bargaining issued classification 3 marks

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